Goodbye Content Writer Commissions

I just signed away all of my rights to my articles on for an undisclosed amount (confidentiality agreement), that will cover what I just paid out for my kids summer programs.

Meanwhile, over at Associated Content, my monthly commissions have shrunk to about 1/3 of their former glory.

Let's not even talk about

So six years ago when writing for commission was popular, I jumped into the game hoping that all of my hard work would pay off later.  I thought I could write more upfront and later, I could sit back and watch it roll in.  I worked for a little while... then Google decided to play God and in one loud smack, sent commission based content articles into virtual extension.

So do I keep plodding along and write double time to make up for the lost commissions?  Or do I adjust my game and find new streams of revenue. Is streams of revenue even a concept anymore in the game of content writing?

I think I'll use the money I just made to cover my bills while I pull away and finish my book.  I think I will stick to my niche and get back into being active in my profession versus writing about it.

That's what I'll do.

So there's no goodbye or even see you later.  I will be here.  But, I will also be launching my business plan that I have been working toward all of these years I have been writing content.